Old Zion Lutheran Church

“For wherever two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
“Denn wo zwei oder drei in meinem Namen zusammenkommen, bin ich in ihrer Mitte” Matthäus 18:20 (Hoffnung für alle)

Come and Worship With Us!    

At Old Zion, we still continue our long tradition of holding worship services both in German and in English.  Services are held at 10:00 AM (English or Combined Services) and 11:15 AM (German Service) - for a specific service schedule, please visit our Calendar page.

In the month of August we hold only the English service at 10:00 AM each Sunday.

In any month where a 5th Sunday is on the calendar, an English will be held at 10:00 AM. 

Whether in English or in German, we here at Old Zion Lutheran Church follow Scripture and Luther in our understanding of Christian worship.  The German word Gottesdienst—“God’s Service”—and the English term “Divine Service” both signify that, as we worship, God is serving us. Our traditional and liturgical worship services center on Christ Jesus who comes to us through His Spirit-filled Gospel in word and sacrament to bestow forgiveness and new life on us, to strengthen our faith in Him, and to help us to live in ever closer union with Him.

What to Expect at a Worship Service:

Our English Service
Our German Service
Our Combined Service With Communion
After/Between Services
Music at Old Zion